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#1 Mosquito Trap

N E W S   R E L E A S E


Effective Tigger Mosiquto Trap

17 Feb 2017

bg sentinel

40 to 50 BGS traps were utilized during an intensive 5-year surveillance as part of an 'Area-wide Management Program for the Asian Tiger Mosquito' in NJ, USA. The results are now published. The authors say that the Biogents Sentinel (BGS) trap is a very effective tool to monitor adult populations of Aedes albopictus and that although BGS traps are becoming the gold standard instrument for Ae. albopictus surveillance, they can also be used to collect other important mosquito species, which can enhance existing vector surveillance programs.

Read more about the results in the publication:



Comparison of 4 traps used for mosquito monitoring and surveillance programs

12 Mar 2017

Four different traps, Biogents Sentinel trap (BG trap), Heavy Duty Encephalitis Vector Survey trap (EVS trap), Centres for Disease Control miniature light trap (CDC trap) and Mosquito Magnet Patriot Mosquito trap (MM trap) were compared in a 4×4 latin square study. In the years 2012 and 2013, more than seventy 24-hour trap comparisons were conducted at ten different locations in northern and southern Germany, representing urban, forest and floodplain biotopes.

Conclusion: The autors say that the BG trap showed a significantly better or similar performance compared to the CDC, EVS or MM trap with regard to trapping efficacy for most common mosquito species in Germany, including diversity of mosquito species and number of mosquitoes per trapping period. Thus, they say, the BG trap is probably the best solution for general monitoring or surveillance programs of adult mosquitoes in Central Europe.

Read more about the results in the publication:



The most deadly animal in the World?

The most deadly ­animal in the world is the mosquito. It might seem impossible that something so miniscule can kill so many people, but it's true. Mosquito bites result in the deaths of more than 1 million people every year [source: WHO]. The majority of these deaths are due to malaria. The World Health Organization estimates that between 300 and 500 million cases of malaria occur each year -- and a child dies from malaria every 30 seconds [source: WHO].



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